Got Questions? Get Answers!

Send a message if the FAQs don’t satisfy your curiosity

Ready to start your coaching journey?

Ready to jump into coaching? Maybe you aren’t quite sure and you have a few questions? We’re here for you! Use the button below to send us a message. We will do our best to get back to you within 2 business days. Any information you give to us will be used solely for communication with you and to provide you with the 5-star service our clients have come to expect and fully deserve. We believe in your privacy. We will never sell your information.

Frequently Asked

What do I need in order to be successfully coached?

An open mind, a desire to learn, and willingness to expand.

Is there a structure to coaching?

Yes, there is a fluid structure to coaching.

Each session is devoted to one goal you’d like to achieve within the timeframe  of the session. Once we define the goal, we set a benchmark that helps us to know when the goal is achieved. The trick here is choosing a goal that can be accomplished within that session. When successful at pinpointing a goal, you see the magic of coachingimmediate results.

With the goal and benchmark in mind, you steer the session. I hold the nonjudgemental space, offer a different perspective, and  encourage you to broaden your own viewpoint. This will enable you to see greater opportunity,  discover solutions, and reach your goal.

What is a good coaching goal?

A good coaching goal is any positive action that will lead you toward the life you want. IThere are two levels of goals: Big goals and session goals.

The big goals are the main reason that you come to coaching: get a new job or promotion; improve your relationships; launch a new project or business; etc.  Understanding what your big goal is helps us to structure our sessions together.

Session goals are the simple, small steps you need to take to get to that big goal. A session goal might be:

  • gaining more understanding about an issue or topic
  • creating a useful tool to bolster confidence, efficiency, etc.
  • making a decision about a specific issue or choice
  • gaining better insight into your options
  • or a million other things that we can determine together.
Do I have to do homework?

We co-create this coaching journey together. So if homework really isn’t your thing, that’s fine. However, most clients find it helpful to voluntarily practice coaching tools and explore different resources outside of the coaching session. This allows for deeper engagement and enrichment which usually leads to positive progress.

How much does it cost?

I am deeply committed to coaching as a tool for personal empowerment. My coaching rates are determined on a sliding scale.  I never want personal finances to be an obstacle for any potential client. I offer packages and pro bono sessions throughout the year for qualifying clients. I am also a huge proponent of barter. So as they say, let’s make a deal!

How do I get started?

Schedule a free Introductory session! During that session, we will:

  • get to know each other
  • test our partnership chemistry, and
  • define what our goals would be for our coaching journey together.

Online Coaching Resources

The Mindful Mindset

Subscribe to my YouTube channel to find visualizations, meditations, and tools designed to focus your mind on the things that truly matter to you in under 3 minutes.

Anti-Work Workshops

What is it about just the thought of work that makes so many of us tired? And what can we do about it? In these 1-day workshops we crowdsource answers and collaborate solutions.

Subscribe to My Newsletter for Free Coaching Resources and Updates!

Learn More About You

We believe in the sanctity of your inbox. In honor of that, we only send out a newsletter when we have something important to share. We are committed to delivering only the best tried and true resources. These tools are designed to help you unlock your potential and live into your personal power. Might that be valuable to you?

Get the 10 Coaching Affirmations

Forget all the things you shouldn't do! Live into a personal code of conduct that celebrates all the wonderful things you can do to be the Amazing You you want to be.


I grew up with the 10 Commandments as the foundation of my moral and ethic compass. But I'll tell you the truth, they were such a bummer. All of the "thou shalt not"s left me feeling boxed in and wrong at every turn. As my coach training has deepened and grown I started thinking... what would the 10 commandements look like if they were all about the positive things you could do, instead of all the negative stuff we shouldn't do?


This list is the powerful result! Download your FREE printable poster! And step into a life of affirmation.


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